Saturday, October 18, 2014

Building a House Part 3 - Halfway Done?!

Well, construction is well underway! Latest schedule from the contractor shows finishing last week of December, I can't think of a better way to bring in the New Year!

Electrician Speak
I've been able to meet some of the contractors the past month. The framing "dudes" - I can't remember their names, but two guys basically framed this whole house in a month and during one of the hottest summers SoCal has ever seen. They were amazing. Scotty, the plumber, used to race bikes. He started his own plumbing company a few years back so he could be his own boss and have the time to raise his kids and "be a good dad". Zach the Electrician has pretty much thought of any possible thing we may want to do in the future and has planned for it. Spare power in the garage for future electric car - done; Conduit stubbed underground for future electric gate at the drive entrance - done; Spare power and another conduit stubbed underground for building on the 2nd pad - done; Space to connect future solar panels - done. Every time I ask him a question, he's on top of it - his response, "I just think of what I would do if it were my house".  I haven't met the HVAC dude yet,
Air Flow
but bless his heart. Since we're building a house with a flat roof, it's more difficult to run the ductwork than it would be in a traditional "sloped" roof house. But he's making it work and it looks great.

While the house is being built, I've been doing some "google"-ing on-line to try and figure out the best way to build the "future training center" and came across this fabulous website called "Studio Shed" ( Seeing how the main house is fitting on the land, I can visualize better how the training center and future structures could be positioned... I have some great ideas and as usual getting ahead of myself, but you always have to keep dreaming.

Souped up RV
Jaw and I turned in our notice to move out of our Apartment at the end of our lease (Nov 30), so we're getting ready to live it up in the RV for a month. Jaw put solar panels on the RV, tore out the old carpet and put in vinyl tile flooring and put in a new WC. It'll be small and cramped, but I think it'll be awesome. We'll probably take it down to the coast on the weekends and "camp". Can't beat that!

Some things are keeping me up at night - the process is amazing, but I find myself wondering "have I forgotten anything"? I'm trying to let it go and just keep reminding myself that we're creating something great - for us and for our friends / family. And then I always come back to the "view". And can I put a coffee maker and wine fridge on the 2nd floor deck??