Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sh*t that goes through my head while riding alone

--Please turn green - I'm not stopping in the middle of this hill
--I'm a rock star
--I need to fix the garbage disposal
--I need to scoop the cat litter
--I need to buy lettuce / veggies
--I need to make a massage appointment
--I need to stop making my "to do" list in my head
--Where am I?
--I should stop and take a picture and post it on FB - ah fuck stopping
--I need to pee
--Oh brilliant - some ass clown drafting off me down the 101.  At least say 'hi" fucker
--Smiling - "Good Morning" :):):)
--I smell bacon
--I'm hot
--I'm cold
--Wow - that's beautiful
--In Annette's voice - "C'mon legs!!!"
--Nice turn single, ass-wipe
--I miss riding in Wisconsin with the cows
--How can I avoid riding up TFH (that fucking hill) to get home
--C'mon knees - I still need you....don't quit on me now
--Please don't whack me with that surfboard
--I need to stretch more
--I need to do more strength training
--I need to foam roll the crap out of my legs
--I need to quit my job

Monday, January 30, 2012

Letting Go

I keep getting distracted writing this post!!!

First, let me just say that this past weekend was SUPER nice - weather-wise.  I am continually amazed that I live in such an awesome place.

Ok, moving on.  Earlier in the week I was a little upset at something my coach and I were discussing.  I have found a great group to ride with (http://www.triclubcoyotes.com/). I love these guys (mostly guys - but some pretty damn cool chics also).  I have only found time to join them on their Saturday rides, but it's a blast and I never laugh so hard as I do when we hang out at Peets afterwards.  The problem is that the group (usually only 2-3 other guys) are faster than me.  I'm a good cyclist, but not that good.  And I don't know the routes inside & out yet, so "the guys" wait for me (super nice of them).  I'm never too far behind, but just a little.....depends on how hard they are hammering that day.

So when I told my coach that two Saturdays ago I bonked and actually got hungry on my ride and he told me I need to find some people more at my ability to ride with, I was upset because I've been training alone for 6 years and I finally met a group I really like and shit-balls I don't want to ride alone anymore (well not every ride....sometimes it's good to be alone with your thoughts. (That's a whole other post "Sh*t that goes through my head while riding alone"). I figure I got hungry because I was probably riding harder than I usually would and didn't bring enough food with me.  I don't think this is a bad thing.  I'm not going to get better by riding by myself.

Sooooo - this past Saturday coach said to go ahead and ride with the boys and have fun.  Yay!  But, it was a shit-storm of a day.  About 10 minutes in, I said "that thing every cyclist says when they're having a bad day.....I think my back wheel is rubbing".  Well, sure enough when I stopped to check (even though I checked before we started), it was rubbing.  So we did a quickie fix.  As we rode down the coast towards La Jolla I was hearing it again.  So we stopped at Nytro and the mechanic there took a look.  He said a couple things that disturbed me.  One, my hubs (both front and back) were loose.  So, he fixed those.  Then he said something about my dropouts not having any dropout adjusters on them and there's very very very little play in getting the rear wheel on.  You basically have to get it on dead nuts so it doesn't rub.  Which means if I get a flat while out riding or run into some problems, I have to be particularly patient when putting the wheel back on.  This will take some practice.

Onwards with the day - it wasn't so much that I was having a bad day....yes the legs felt a little fatigued, but reality was that I was having an OK day for me. Towards the end I just wasn't really enjoying the ride anymore.  Really - what's the point in riding in a group if the group is always a bit ahead of you?  The guys think I'm a great rider and say they don't mind having to wait and they point out that no other girls ride with us except me (do the math).  So, I figure I have to two options.  1 - Leave my ego at the door.  I'm a girl.  I'm a pretty damn cool girl, but I'm not gonna be able to ride 20-30 mph for a 60 mile ride (yet) so I have to just enjoy life and let the negative thoughts pass me by when the guys in the group pass me by.  2 - find a good group of chics that I can get along with, ride with and become a better cyclist with.  There are some pretty damn fast chics out there...I need to find a group that is a little better than me, but not as fast as "the guys".

I think both options are good.  Both teach me acceptance, letting go, patience and trust.

Ride on my friends!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Springsteen vs DCD

Something I hold very dear to my heart is music.  The right song can compliment my mood perfectly or have the ability to change my mood completely.  Driving down the highway with the iPod on shuffle is one of my favorite things to do.  My 2-1/2 day road trip from Chicago to San Diego was bliss from a musical perspective.

I feel I have come full circle in my musical tastes.  The first CD I ever bought was PIL's Greatest Hits.  From there I followed my sister's lead in the then-called "alternative" scene.  Bands such as Echo and the Bunnymen, Psychedelic Furs and INXS.

Then I went the 80's "electronic" route and couldn't get enough of Depeche Mode (no pun intended), New Order and The Cure.

After that I went off to college.  There I met one person who would change my life forever. He told me to get off the Depeche Mode kick and listen to some Skinny Puppy.  So, I did.  And I loved it.  From there I was all about "industrial". My music buying turned to Skinny Puppy,

Front 242, Ministry, Nitzer Ebb, Meat Beat Manifesto and Front Line Assembly.  But at the same time I was discovering brit-pop bands such as The Stone Roses, Ride, My Bloody Valentine, The Charlatans UK and shoegaze bands such as Slowdive and Spaceman 3. I was just soaking in everything.  I went to some amazing shows, met a lot of my musical idols.  It was a great time in my life.

After college I became less and less "in the know" on what new bands were out there.  Every time I went record shopping (which was also occurring less frequently), I looked for stuff by the same bands I had always been listening to.

I was introduced to a few new bands such as Adult., Man or Astroman, Gorillaz and Galaxie 500.

And then a series of events lead me to triathlon and triathlon training and the friends I started hanging out with were a complete 180 from my previous friendships.  I started listening to a lot more pop music and discovered some of it I just really loved. A lot of what I started listening to was related in some way or another to training.  A lot of songs that would get me pumped up from artists such as P!nk, Beastie Boys, Greenday and Eminem.

Then in '11, similar to college, I met the 2nd person who would change my life again.  He introduced me to Bruce Springsteen.  And while I always *knew* who Bruce Springsteen was, I never really paid attention to the music.  When I started paying attention to the songs, I discovered something truly amazing.  Such a great artist and songwriter and performer.

Now fast forward to 2012.  Two bands are touring this year.  Two bands that couldn't be further apart on the musical spectrum, yet move me in much the same way.  Dead Can Dance and Bruce Springsteen.  DCD is one of the most awe inspiring concerts I've ever seen.  I've had the pleasure of seeing them twice live.  Both times brought me to tears.  Lisa Gerrard's voice is something that can not be described in words.  It is something that can only be heard.  And to see Lisa and Brandon perform with an entire band and array of beautiful different instruments is just awesome.  I have only seen Springsteen once, back in '84 before I really knew what a great artist he is.  I've seen a lot of you tube videos of his performances and I'm looking forward to seeing him in concert and being blown away.  I think it will be fantastic.

I hope the music never dies.  There is something fundamentally awesome about walking into a record store and just browsing.  Reading liner notes, soaking in the cover art and hanging around a bunch of other folks who just love music. It's no surprise that two of my favorite movies are "High Fidelity" and "Pirate Radio" Rock on!


I ended up not going out last night....it just didn't feel right so I bailed.  I don't like to back out of things, but I just wasn't up for it.  Life goes on.  When I got home I had a couple glasses of wine and four rice cakes w/ almond butter....and a 1/2 cup of homemade trail mix.  I can't seem to get on a proper dinner schedule. I'm very excited to be meeting Leslie Saturday so we can come up with a month-long program for me with weekly menus, personal classes, etc.  I'm about 75% there....just need help with the last 25%.

Still on no coffee.  Feel tired, but generally better.  Swim this morning was hard.  I went into the shallow pool because I couldn't keep up even with the peeps in the slowest lane.  I'm happy I at least finished the set.  Would have been very easy to quit.

Just need to get through the day and I'll be fine!  I saw this wall photo on facebook today.  So true.

Make today great!