Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Well, I survived Day 1 (yesterday) of my anti-candida cleanse.  I had a headache most of the day, was tired and in a *down* mood.  It may not help any that I started the cleanse right at *that time of the month*.  But, whenever is it a good time?

At any rate, today I tried to ride an hour easy on the trainer.  I made it to 30 minutes and just was gassed.  Clearly I'm not eating enough.  So I got off the trainer and made a big pot of quinoa, hard-boiled some eggs, cooked some chicken breast, steamed some asparagus and green beans and made some scrambled eggs with spinach, garlic and zucchini.

I feel very sad because I can't train (not only because I'm tired, but because my hamstring / glute is still bothering me) and I just don't know how I'm going to change.

I guess just breathe and one day at a time.

Friday, October 7, 2011

One Last Horrah!! (for now)

So tomorrow is my 38th birthday.  Wooo!  I'm headed to San Francisco to meet my Aunt and cousin for the weekend.  Monday I'm starting a 21-day "anti-candida" cleanse.  Which means, I am going to rid myself of all the sugar, bread / yeast, gluten, etc in my body and try and re-boot myself.  I am very scared because I don't want to fail.  But, I believe in myself and I believe I can succeed. There are much worse things in life than not eating chocolate or having coffee for a month.  And I believe doing this type of strict cleanse will help me develop some better eating habits.  Hopefully I'll feel so good at the end of it, I won't *want* to put all that crap back in my body.

Also this weekend is Ironman Hawaii.  I am sure to be motivated by all the awesome athletes who are participating in this year's race.  One day I'll get there.......

My next post will be sometime Monday to check in!