Monday, July 7, 2014

Building a House - Part 2...AIEEEEEEE!!!!!

Today is a good day. I finally closed on the construction loan for the house. This process was the most painful thing in my life. I'm the type of person that likes to make sh*t happen, and with this loan, there was absolutely nothing I could do. If there was ever a lesson in "letting go", "not worrying about what you can not control" or "stop trying to force things to happen and just let them happen", applying for a construction loan or mortgage now-a-days will teach you those lessons.

At any rate, I also have an address for the house. It was assigned when the builder submitted for the permit. WOOOHOOOOO!!

I've been spending a bit more time at the property and there are a lot of bunnies there. I like bunnies.

I'm meeting the builder on Thursday to finalize everything.... There are some things I'm really really (ahem really) particular about and other things I don't care about. But somehow when you're spending time and money to build your own house, everything seems to be of the utmost importance. Do I have all the electrical outlets in the right place? Where to put the towel racks in the bathroom? Are 15" deep upper kitchen cabinets a standard size because some of my dishes won't fit in the standard 12". The linen closets need to be deeper because I just measured the depth of my big towels when they're folded and I need deep shelves. OMG - I wake up every day grateful for what I have and know that there are a lot of people suffering out there in the world - how can I possibly be worried about the shelves in the linen closet not being deep enough? But one thing I've learned lately is not to feel like I don't deserve what I *have*. I'm not huge on having materialistic things, but this house is a dream and when it's all said and done, I hope it serves a greater purpose than just a place for Jaw and I to live. I want this house to be a place for our friends and family to come any time they want / need to. I want this house to be a place full of light and joy and happiness. I want this house to be a place where people can be and create their dreams. When the training center is built, I want this house to be a place for friends, athletes, neighbors to come and train (ahem - Midwest friends - have you signed up for a spring race and need a place to train in the winter??)  That's the dream. That's the vision.

Hopefully, the next post will include a picture of something resembling the frame of the house being built!!

Cheers and XO

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