Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 4th Ride

Yesterday was the 4th of July. Instead of plopping myself in front of the computer to take on-line traffic school I went for a bike ride and did 103 miles. I had mapped out a 100 mile ride from my house so I knew what I was doing, but I didn't really *know* what I was doing.  I had worked up to 80 miles over the past month, but have just been putting in the miles and time. No interval work or hard efforts. My partially torn Rotator Cuff has kept me from swimming or weight lifting so all I've been doing lately is riding and a little bit of running.

As I rolled out, my body felt off and I thought about shortening the ride quite a few times. I wasn't drinking or eating and I knew that was not ideal. Thankfully, the weather was cloudy and overcast and cool. Around Mile 50 I was on a road I've been on before, but it turned out to be a dead end, so I turned around and made my route an "out and back". Around Mile 70 I started to feel better and was forced to decide whether to take a right and go down Palomar Airport road to the coast to get home or my original plan of going up San Elijo, back through Elfin Forest / Del Dios.  The first plan would be a much easier route, but with lots of traffic lights and stop / go. The second plan would be lots of hills, but a nicer, more scenic route.  I chose the 2nd option. I made it up San Elijo without too much difficulty, which surprised me. I stopped at a gas station at Mile 80 and for probably 10 minutes wandered up and down the short isles in a daze.  Finally I bought a water and an Oats and Honey crunchy granola bar. After a short break, I got back on my bike and made my way home. I got sidetracked in Rancho Santa Fe by a parade, but found a way around it.

Post ride I realized I just rode 103 miles with 7,300 feet of climbing and ate 4 gels, 1/2 a Lara bar, an Oats and Honey granola bar and 1 1/2 bottles water. Seems light, but I think the "less is more" nutrition plan works for me.  I do feel a little dehydrated so definitely more water should have been consumed...

I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July.  Keep riding.....

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